We Need Your Help, Guys!

Yvonne & Natania can help you with helping to protect your children against jabs and mask wearing, etc.


If you wish to serve your school, please get in touch with us on the email below with the details of your school and the date/ time you wish to serve the school.


We can then arrange this with you.

There is also an important letter which you need to send on behalf of your child/children. Email the above address for a copy which you will need to edit with your own details.

Thank you in advance for your help and participation with this important issue. 

Please use the specimen letter template below  to write to your school on behalf of your  own child/children.  If you require any help, please get in touch via the email above.

Specimen Precivil Procedure Schools Letter Template
Word – 55.5 KB 452 downloads