Chemtrails - Contrails
Contrails are short for condensation trails, which are basically long, thin, artificially man-made clouds that form following an airborne aircraft. These trails consist of water vapours found in the exhaust of an aircraft’s engine, that expel out, forming a suspension of billions of liquid droplets or ice crystals in the sky. They may also be formed by changes in air pressure in wingtip vortices, or in the air over the entire wing surface. In short, contrails are like clouds, simply consisting of water vapours.

Chemtrails are something entirely different. These vicious trails seen leaving planes on several different occasions, consist of the same harmful man-made chemicals which are used in chemical warfare operations executed by military during an attack on the enemy. These Chemtrails contain such harmful substances as micro-bacteria and live viruses which are used in biological warfare, Nano-aluminium particles which is an excitotoxin that causes detrimental effects to the central nervous system, barium salts, which are 10,000 times more toxic to the human body than lead, and even human plasma which is an adjoining factor in human blood.
The following text is from: Chemtrails Project UK
Chemtrails Project UK is part of a growing worldwide movement that is raising awareness of chemtrails and taking action to ban climate geoengineering and weather modification.
Trails of Destruction - an Overview...
- Almost daily, aircraft (often non-commercial) leave persistent trails that spread and block out essential sunlight.
- This has a negative impact on:
- crop yields & food prices
- solar power generation & energy prices
- our physical health
- our mental health
- climate change
- global dimming
- ozone layer depletion
- To make matters worse, geoengineers are 'proposing' to spray toxic substances such as aluminium oxide and sulphuric acid from aircraft to reflect sunlight in a claimed attempt to solve the controvertible issue of global warming.
- Despite the acknowledged impact of persistent, spreading aircraft trails and the overwhelming evidence that aviation spraying activities have already commenced, the Government response is lame. Similarly, the "conspiracy theory!" cries from the mainstream media do nothing to address the potential catastrophes of such a critical issue.
- We are curious: Why do they propose spraying deadly poisons to block out our sunlight when, according to our Government, the same observable effects can be achieved with "ordinary condensation trails"?...
- Well, there is evidence of intent that may hold the answer with the likelihood that such glaring anomolies are more to do with aiding the US military's need for "Owning the Weather in 2025" with their "exotic weapons system" called "chemtrails" than it is to supposedly save the planet. #bilderberg
Just a Conspiracy Theory?
Being sprayed again with toxic chemicals by the people paid to look after you is hardly the easiest of notions to get your head around. But this selection of footage and testimony should leave you in no doubt that what has previously been derided as conspiracy theory is destined to join today's growing list of conspiracy fact.

Aren’t all the trails in the sky just normal condensation trails from commercial airliners?
Jet contrails, which occur at high altitudes (e.g., 40,000 feet) disappear quickly – much like your breath on a cold winter day. They are simply made of water vapour.
Clouds need 70% moisture to form. Contrails need low humidity (moisture) to form.
As top-notch researcher Clifford Carnicom notes, “If ‘contrails’ by appearance transform into ‘clouds’, it can be concluded that the material of composition is not water vapour.”
What this means: If what looks like a contrail then becomes a cloud, it isn’t made of water vapour.
Is there any hard evidence that SAG / chemtrailing is happening now?
There are documented lists of weather modification programs published by The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the NASA Scientist, Douglas E Rowland, speaks openly about them.
But surely they wouldn’t do something like chemtrailing?
Aerosol spraying is a covert operation on a Grand Scale.
Evergreen’s fleet of B-747 supertankers are fitted with their own patent of pressurised ejection ports capable of delivering tons of chemical weather modification aerosols over a distance of 200 miles. Although this amazing aircraft was presented to the public for it’s effective wildfire containment capabilities, not one aircraft has yet been deployed to assist the numerous killer wildfires in the western USA since it’s public debut in 2009. These super-tankers are far from sitting idle in the boneyard. Instead, these mammoth 747′s are used to deploy geo-engineering aerosols around the planet – a capability fully acknowledged in the Evergreen Air patent.
If chemtrailing was really happening, wouldn’t an insider have spoken up by now?
The dire consequences of whistle-blowing are enough to prevent people from speaking out. The risks are: isolation, criticism, and often the loss of a job or even a career /life preventing people from speaking out.
The fact that 100,000 people worked on the Manhattan Project, the United States’ secret plan to develop atomic weapons for use in warfare, and yet they managed to keep it a secret from Vice President Truman until he took office shows how secret projects can exist without the public knowing.

Aircraft Interior showing rows of chemical storage chambers

Vapours exiting a purpose engineered nozzle not part of a hot engine exhaust
What harm is chemtrailing doing the planet?
According to the research of Dane Wigington of, chemtrails and geo-engineering are the single, greatest threat to life on Planet Earth. UN scientists estimate that 150-200 species of plant, insect, bird and mammal become extinct every 24 hours. This is nearly 1,000 times the “natural” or “background” rate and is greater than anything that the world has experienced since the vanishing of the dinosaurs nearly 65 million years ago.
Chemtrails appear to have triggered climate feedback loops affecting ocean currents between the Atlantic and the Arctic. One of these feedback loops is methane expulsion. This methane expulsion has not been happening over a hundred years or even decades. It has been happening only over a few years. This is a global, game-changing event
They are posing health risks and disease to all life. They are creating artificial weather events and increasing the demand for the need of poisonous GMO stress resistant crops. Risks include: drought in Africa and Asia, continued ocean acidification from CO2. Ozone depletion. No more blue skies, and less solar power. It will increase warming if stopped, and can not stop quickly once started. Human error with toxic materials is hazardous as is unexpected consequences. Commercial control and the use of military technology also conflicts with current treaties. Questions about whose hand is on the thermostat are raised and visibility into night skies are compromised.
Are there any personal health implications of chemtrailing?
“Particles in the PM2.5 size range are able to travel deeply into the respiratory tract, reaching the lungs. Exposure to fine particles can cause short-term health effects such as eye, nose, throat and lung irritation, coughing, sneezing, runny nose and shortness of breath. Exposure to fine particles can also affect lung function and worsen medical conditions such as asthma and heart disease.
Scientific studies have linked increases in daily PM2.5 exposure with increased respiratory and cardiovascular hospital admissions, emergency department visits and deaths.
Studies also suggest that long term exposure to fine particulate matter may be associated with increased rates of chronic bronchitis, reduced lung function and increased mortality from lung cancer and heart disease. People with breathing and heart problems, children and the elderly may be particularly sensitive to PM2.5. .

So why are they chemtrailing?
Clifford Carnicom lists 7 agendas and motives. There is no single answer.
- Environmental modificationand control.
- Biological operations.
- Military operations.
- Electro-magnetic operations.
- geo-physical /global/planetary effects.
- Development of surveylance/LIDAR.
- Exotic propulsion systems.
The evidence he says is Dominance and Control.
Who benefits from chemtrailing?
The global ruling elite. Disaster Insurance Companies. Utility Companies. Property developers. GMO Corporations. The Industrial Military Complex. The Pharmaceutical Industry. Private Healthcare. GM Agriculture/Farming. Depopulation Programmes. Agenda 21.
What can I do about it?
Visit our Take Action page and chose your options.
What does partial cloud cover often look like today?
The skies today often have low lying clouds with a variety of chemtrails crisscrossing the horizon on any particular day. There is no schedule for these straight lines to appear. The deep blue sky of old has all but disappeared, replace by whiter skies and days of hazy particulate matter reducing visibility especially in the horizon.

What did partial cloud cover used to look like?
Search old photos form the late 60’s and 70’s to find more natural clouds in your families photo album and be aware of photoshopped propaganda subliminally inserting chemtrails into old movies and videos.

For Further Reading
For further reading on Chemtrails and the impact on world weather , health and environmental issues, click on the link below:
Contribution & Suggestion from AM - CFS Member