Covid 19 - Facts & Fiction
Fiction: “Up to 500,000 people could die from Covid19 if we do nothing.” He then went on to change that figure to 20,000 in the UK alone, once he realized his computer ‘model’ was incorrect. (Source: Prof. Neil Ferguson – Imperial College London)
Fact: Sweden did not implement a national lockdown, nor any local lockdowns. Sweden did not mandate social distancing or mask wearing. Sweden kept all of its schools, pubs, bars cinemas, restaurants and music venues open. Sweden’s economy is currently thriving.
The number of Covid19 deaths per 100,000 of Sweden’s population is 58.46, compared to 64.78 in the UK. This despite the fact Sweden did nothing! (Source for Covid death figures:
Fiction: On September 21st Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance presented us with their Graph of Doom predicting nearly 50,000 cases per day by October 13th. (Source: Chris Whitty and the UK Govt.) “The number of Covid cases has quadrupled in the last three weeks. Cases may be doubling as quickly as every seven to eight days.” (Source: Keir Starmer in the Spectator on 13th October)
Fact: Hospital admissions for respiratory illness in each of the last 5 years matches what we are seeing this year for hospital admissions for covid (bearing in mind anything that fell in the category of “respiratory illness” is now classed as “covid”). (Source: NHS data)
During the current low prevalence of the virus, 9 out of 10 positive test results from the PCR test are false positives. (Source: Prof. Carl Henneghan, director of the University of Oxford's Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine and Dr Michael Yeadon former CSO and VP, Allergy and Respiratory Research Head with Pfizer Global R&D and co-Founder of Ziarco Pharma Ltd)
Fiction: Wearing a mask will prevent the spread of Coronavirus and stop you from contracting it. (Source: UK Govt. and the NHS)
Fact: Masks and face coverings provide no protection from any viruses, nor do they prevent the spread of viruses. Wearing masks and face coverings for any length of time is detrimental to your health. (Source: Interview with US Government trained OSHA mask experts Tammy Clark & Kristen Meghan entitled “Mark whistle blowers tell all” on the website
Fiction: Lockdowns, social distancing and mask wearing measures will reduce and or slow the spread of covid infections. (Source: UK Govt, Patrick Vallance and Chris Whitty)
Fact: Lockdowns, social distancing and mask wearing has a detrimental effect on the population at large and causes more harm than good. (Source: The Great Barrington Declaration – go to: for details and list of contributors)
Lockdowns and closure of vital health screening departments within the NHS have led to thousands of needless illnesses, deaths and huge mental health issues. Suicides are sky rocketing as a result of Govt. policies.
We cruelly leave our elderly to live their twilight years alone and when close to death to die alone with no loved ones to hand.
Fiction: The SARS-Cov-2 is a deadly virus that must be feared. (Source: UK Govt. Patrick Vallance and Chris Whitty)
Fact: The number of people who died of Sars-cov-2 with no other pre-existing conditions (all ages) in England in the period from 1 March 2020 until 30 June 2020, was 4,476. (Source: Office for National Statistics)
The number of people who died of Sars-cov-2 with no other pre-existing conditions who were under the age of 60 in England in the period from 1 March 2020 until 30 June 2020, was 335. (Source: Office for National Statistics)
Up to 28,000 people die of flu each year in the UK. (Source: Office for National Statistics) The number of people who supposedly died of Sars-cov-2 in 2020 to date is 43,155 (Source: Figures from the Office for National Statistics) (Note these figures are exaggerated as they also cover flu, pneumonia and other respiratory deaths etc. and also anyone who died within 28 days of a positive test for Covid19 or who showed symptoms, regardless of what they died from).
The following graph demonstrates very clearly that we have a casedemic not a pandemic:

Read the Great Barrington Declaration at
Watch the following films:
Plandemic at:
Plandemic Indoctrination at:
100 Voices Strong Dr. Rashid Buttar Hosts A Doctor's Covid-19 Roundtable at:
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny How The Coronavirus Pandemic Is The Biggest Scam Ever Perpetrated On The Human Race at:
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. My Fight Against Mandatory Vaccinations, Big Pharma, And Dr. Fauci at:
Dr. David E. Martin Exposing Moderna; the Star of Plandemic: Indoctrination Reveals the Truth at:
(See also on YouTube Dr David E. Martin’s Butterfly of the week series of videos)
URGENT UPDATE: Societal Damage from Bad Science, not the Virus? Why are they doing this? By Ivor Cummins at:
Watch the series of documentaries on Bill Gates at:
Watch UK Column news broadcasting live at 1 pm on Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Friday’s at: or watch them at your leisure on their YouTube channel.
Read daily articles and posts at:
Search on BitChute or Brand New Tube for Dr Vernon Coleman and his series of videos called “an old man in a chair”.
Listen to Mark Windows of Windows on the World at:
(He has various radio shows each week and you can look at his past shows on his website)
Listen to the Ritchie Allen Show by visiting his You Tube channel at:
The latest data on Covid vaccines as at October 2021
- Covid vaccine technology is novel and the vaccines have not yet fully completed their trials, which is why they’re in use under temporary and not full market authorisation.
- Dr Tess Lawrie in June wrote an open letter to Dr June Raine, head of the MHRA, arguing that: “The MHRA now has more than enough evidence on the Yellow Card system to declare the COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans”.
- On October 7th, the deaths reported as adverse events from vaccination in Taiwan overtook the number of deaths following Covid infection.
- Infection rates in England in vaccinated people aged 40-49 is now more than double the rate in the unvaccinated. Evidence now suggests that vaccinated people can spread the Delta variant and a study has shown that six months after the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine, antibody levels in healthcare workers had decreased substantially.
- Sweden, Denmark, Iceland and Finland have temporarily halted the use of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine for people under the age of 30 due to heart risks.
- There has been a case of reactivation of hepatitis C infection following the Pfizer vaccination.
- A large number of studies are increasingly showing evidence of robust natural immunity from natural Covid infection.
- There have been calls for clearer ONS data on the rise in deaths of young males in England and Wales. Investigation of official ONS data indicates that since the Covid vaccine has been rolled out to teens, there has been a significant increase in deaths in this age group.
- The Senate in France voted against making the Covid vaccine mandatory.
- Eudra Vigilance – the equivalent of the UK’s Yellow Card reporting system in the EU – has logged (up to October 9th) 1,038,776 reports of 2,536,526 adverse events, including 27,242 deaths.
- DAEN Australia – the equivalent of the UK’s Yellow Card reporting system in Australia – has logged (up to September 29th) 63,672 reports of 204,746 adverse events, including 566 deaths.
- According to an updated report published on October 14th, the MHRA Yellow Card reporting system has recorded a total of 1,228,991 events based on 372,878 reports. The total number of fatalities reported is 1,719.ere to add text.
Contribution by SM - CFS Member