Resistance Apocalypse & Great Awakening
Resistance Apocalypse & Great Awakening - By Celia Jennings
Celia is a member of Cambridge Free Sprits and was one of the original members

I wrote this book for people who are starting to wake up (so, for sharing, rather than just for us folks) but are scared of the process of working it all out.
I lay out fairly full descriptions of what ALL the rabbit holes are, & give some descriptions of each, with links, refs, websites, videos to watch etc - so that they can do more research if they wish.
Sometimes it's a real shock to to realise what's happening.
The 2nd part (of 2) is about the TRANSITION we are in, as we move towards Enlightenment, with a long list (167!!) of Pathways, to choose from to assist in that.
ISBN: 9798 3900 12857 Printed through Kindle Print-on-Demand Published in Britain, 7th June 2023 Written and Designed by Celia Jennings
Resistance is Fertile!
These are the days where Resistance "becomes a sacred duty" (to paraphrase Gandhi) "when the State has become lawless or corrupt". However we do so, we need to be informed, while we daily choose a higher Love in the current Great Awakening.

Born in 1953 in NW London UK, Celia qualified as an Osteopath in 1977, studied ‘Cranial’ work (and assisted teaching it) through the 1980s; then qualified as a Cranio-Sacral Therapist in 2007.
She also attended multiple workshops on Rebirthing-Breathwork, in her own journey of personal growth, & assisting others. She feels she understands the process of healing, among many other things.
She has led a very eclectic life, travelling alone around the world in 1994, living in New Zealand for a total of 13 years. Due to her desire to be open-minded about cultures and the huge inner journeys she also undertook, she became aware (not surprisingly) that all was not well in our world. Knowing that “this world”, as seen for spiritual-based hearts, has forever been cruel and manipulative - she nevertheless began to give some time to listen to whistle-blowers, those who saw even deeper into the machinations going on behind closed doors, and their dire effects on many, many, much too many people.