Common Law Talk, Saturday 25th March 2023
Possible solution and to expose the TREASON and the TYRANNY by Alex
Organised Crime chart of the oc-cult that is subverting the People and England’s Constitution.
“No taxation without representation”
Today is about us and How we can claim our unalienable birth rights and challenge our Enemy Lawfully

Chronology of the TREASON committed by UK Parliament
It is now evidently clear as to who the ‘order followers’ of the Global Agenda are and at what ever the cost to the UK.
- During the Heath government in 1971, he took the UK into the EEC (European Economic Community).
- Count 1 - Treason in the highest order committed by the Tories. Since 1st January 1973 The Royal Seal was removed from Parliament [Deposed a reigning (Queen Elizabeth II) from her duties under her oath], became the head of State. This was due to the Treason of Edward Heath; Heath only attained a referendum into the MARKETPLACE of the European Union and that is all! Heath then used that referendum as his method to, WITHOUT REFERENDUM or agreement in any form of CONSENT from the sovereign or sovereign people handing powers to a FEDERAL FOREIGN STATE that is contrary to THE LAWS OF ENGLAND AND WALES. The English Constitution and Common Law. It is on the record that Heath took a £1.5 Million BEFORE taking Britain into the EEC, but not limited to.
- Count 2 - That same year Heath created a “Free for all” for bankers and corrupt governments to achieve their goal of overt domination of England and Wales (the act of Union was severed at that point so Scotland cannot be included which infers the devolution as a cloak to appease those with objection and criminal claims of wrongdoing of the worst kind namely Treason). All Equity such as Gold/Silver/Gas Board /Electric Board/ Police Constabularies /Constitutional Courts have been criminally converted by theft (Theft Act 1968 S 5).
- It was instituted where it would go un-noticed for 50 years this year (2023). Armed with this knowledge surely, now has to be the time for ‘We The People’ of England and Wales to invoke the Treason Act 1351, 1695 and 1708 as they are our lawful statutes. legislation.gov.uk.
- Count 3 - BANKERS AGENDA in league with Prime ministers and Ministers bribed and coerced as the Bankers had the Blackmail card.
(a) 1973 FEDERAL Foreign rule and laws (Heath ,Wilson ,Thatcher ,Blair).
(b) 2003 2003/49/EU directive implemented illegally and in TREASON by Blair continuing the agenda from Thatcher.
(c) 2008 Clearfield Doctrine implemented and all public authorities criminally converted to corporations this
means police /courts /CEOs placed in every high office in councils as "Statutory Officers" (they cannot be
legitimate as the Parliament that introduced legislation in criminal enterprise was acting in TREASON).
- Count 4 - Statutory Officers – authorised to criminally launder public money out of the country to foreign banks to create Billions for the bankers by creating securitised bonds to float on the stock market (see SAGE FTSE 250 and 300) as proof and evidence.
- Many "acts " have been criminally created (by actors) to generate cash under the guise of a CONSTITUTIONAL government continuing to operate and it all succeeds on this premise ,PRESUMPTION OF LAW. Can you get any more Treasonous than this? Subverting the English Constitution carries the death penalty if found guilty, under Common Law.
- Count 5 - QEII (The Crown) did have the power to demand a referendum to be put to the people, as the due process but never carried out her oath (because she is the head of State). Forcing over 3,500 pieces of legislation that supposedly has royal assent, plus and amendments have unlawfully imposed on the public with their consent and to the disadvantage of the people. “Nothing can be done to prejudice the People”.
- Count 6 - ALL ‘legislation, regulations, rules, mandates are therefore, all unlawful/illegally issued since 1973 are Null and Void.
- Plus any amendments thereof has been unlawfully imposed on the public with their consent and to the disadvantage of the People ‘By PRESUMPTION’ of Law. (e. no member of public ever questioned, rebut and has gone unchallenged). “THERE LIES THE PROBLEM”.
- Proof and evidence lays in many forms so I will use the criminal process of Local Councils who created criminal courts, governments that introduced "single judges" where The LAWS OF ENGLAND & WALES expressly state "no one man can judge another" see Bill of Rights 1688 implemented to protect all people from treasonous tyranny. That tyranny and criminality lays in full scrutiny and inspection of all criminal legislation since 1973 contrary to all LAWS of ENGLAND and Wales and the motive is profit, money e.g. First, they had to Steal all equitable assets:
- HEATH 1974 - 544 tonne of Gold WITHOUT A REFERENDUM or the Consent of The People
- BROWN - 700+ tonne of Gold WITHOUT A REFERENDUM or the Consent of The People
- THATCHER - Gas Board 1985, THATCHER - Electric Board 1989 WITHOUT A REFERENDUM or the Consent of The People
- BLAIR - Illegal Iraq war for profit WITHOUT A REFERENDUM or the Consent of The Governed
- BLAIR - 1995 last constitutional constabulary. WITHOUT A REFERENDUM or the Consent of The People
- BLAIR - 2003 criminal conversion of Publicly owned property to corporations, Without the Public’s consent (collusion with at least one minister to criminally procure a hospital and rent it back to NHS as method of criminal payment at £50 million per year).
- Count 7 Governments do not own people’s natural resources of the people. The British politics under the disguise of ‘democracy’ at just a stoke of a pencil at the ballot box, it appears to be the only consent they needed to claim sovereignty over the people to rule them, and do whatever they pleased. Then became a government by decree. They had no Right to sell off ANY public assets to commercial interests, corporations. It was NOT for sale. This clearly demonstrated that by their repugnant disregard to the common people (the working class) heroes of every day, hardworking, labour intense industries and at their costs, which were mismanaged by design to launder the profits of those companies to fat cat investments, hedge funds, and exempt from taxation.
- So, how did they do it? Thatcher, deprived all nationalised public services of public cash, resulting in poor service delivery, too many tiers of management or blaming the unions. Problem, Reaction, Solution.
- Her solution was to bring private investment into the public sector, thus forming Public/Private ‘Partnerships”.
- Count 8 – Thatcher government spent over £200 million on advertising campaign through private corporation Saatchi and Saatchi to manipulate the public into submission, and promote that, it was a good idea to invest in shares. The Great Sell off of our ‘Natural Resources’ was under away during the 1980’s at the height of her power.
- Namely Power GAS, ELECTRIC, WATER, Nationalised industry Railways, Steel, Car industry. Major impact on our export markets. WITHOUT THE PEOPLES CONSENT.
All the proceeds from the SELL-OFF’s never went into the Exchequer, The Treasury. Instead, to the pockets of already rich and the financial better offs. Enter the credit brokers disguised as ‘Energy Suppliers’ ‘Utilities’
THE SOLUTION at our finger tips… literally
- We know that ALL services that effect the public has been PAID FOR through your Income Tax, NI and PAYE, many, many times over. As we continue to pay those draconian taxes.
- We should also now recognise and acknowledge the ACTS OF SEDITION, PURJURY AND TREASON has been committed by those WE gave ‘uninformed consent’ to a pretend fictional government. THE PRESUMPTIONS OF LAW.
- Therefore, ALL legalise regulations, rules, mandates, are NULL AND VOID. No one is above the law, All are equal under, and by the Rule of Law.
My Lawful Cunning Plan:-
- We can now prove Who, What, When, Where, How, and Why? committed HIGH TREASON whilst holding public office under oath, Subverted the English Constitution and the Common Laws, by undermining and ignoring them under fiction/colour of law, introduced legalise Roman Laws [Foreign Power the EU] upon the nation of Great Britain.
- They are breaking their own rules, by not following due process. We now have a lawful excuse to rebut and oppose every 3,500 ‘pretend rules’ not laws they have introduced, because they cannot repeal our ancient Rights, Laws and Customs of this Realm or the commonwealth.
- Our lawful excuse is, that we were forced into accepting false representations under their own rules. Which means under the Fraud Act 2006, Theft Act 1968, (They stole our Sovereignty and natural resources) yet alone all the Treason Acts of 1351, 1695, 1708. We the people have a case against UK Government for Aiding and Abetting organised crime, bribery, Malfeasance, Gross Misconduct in Public Office, the list goes on and on and hand it to CPS.
- I have calculated the total amount of Income Tax, NI, PAYE (P60) paid since I started work 50 years ago! Ironically.
- By adding these up with these totals, I now have the evidence to prove what I have paid to the exchequer. I had no choice as these taxes were taken at source. This equates to average £762.80 PER MONTH Tax/NI/PAYE over 50 years (£457,680). For ALL my services = GAS/ELECTRIC/WATER/ROADS/HEALTH. CHECKMATE!!!
- Now together with the Consolidated Fund 1787. The Consolidated Fund (CF) was first set up in 1787 as ‘one fund into which shall flow every stream of public revenue and from which shall come the supply for every service’. The basis of the financial mechanism by which the CF is operated is governed by the Exchequer and Audit Departments Act 1866. Also what Yvonne will present on Council’s own funds received from central government and, the knowledge we have of TREASON committed by those Fictions of Law (both houses) of parliament, which makes all rules, regulations and colour of law Null and Void. Furthermore, for disregarding and ignoring our ancient laws and customs, rights and liberties which are ALL CURRENT Statutes and Legislation.
- All British political parties i.e. Tories, labour, Lib Dems and other Fringe parties who receives funding from the State were created by the Fabian Society, owned by the Rockefeller Foundation. NOT The English Constitution Party, nor do they get funding from the Electoral Commission or the UK Government.
- We now have the foundation of our Lawful Excuse to refuse any rules given the Treasonous UK Government and Parliament. WE DID NOT VOTE FOR CORPORATIONS TO GOVERN US THE PEOPLE. IF WE DID THEN IT WAS DONE BY MISREPRESENTATION UNDER THE FRAUD ACT 2006, s1(2,3,), s2(1,2,) s3,4,5,12
THE EVIDENCE - our weapon at our finger tips…
SO, in conclusion and summarise;
- IF our UK Government (wilfully) Committed High TREASON in 1972 – sources;
Original classified document released after the 40 years disclosure rule, letters to the HM QEII.
Squadron Leader David R Bourne – No Reply NO REBUTTAL
Albert Burgess SPC 5119 OK Retired, letter to New Scotland Yard 30/10/2011– No Reply NO REBUTTAL
Elizabeth Beckett’s Letter to QEII – No Reply NO REBUTTAL
Even Dr Vernon Coleman has written an article on this, on his website.
https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1130623/eu-news-brexit-deal-theresa-may-resign-conservative-leader- edward-heath-eec-spt
- And deposing the Queen of her duties, and giving our Sovereignty away to a Foreign Power, subverting the
English Constitution, which is the Death Sentence under Common Law and the Treason Acts.
- Then we have a lawful duty and an valid to excuse decline their offers to aid and abet Criminal organisations.
- Let the Challenge and Rebuttal begin, and can be admissible in a court and lawful/legal argument.
THE SOLUTION - our weapon at our finger tips…
More Council Tax Thoughts by Yvonne
Reasons NOT to pay

The East of England Development Agency Annual Report and Accounts – 2011/12 Some interesting finds to mull over!
Information from Pages 51-52
xiii: European and Capital Grants The Agency’s activities were funded in part by European funding for specified types of expenditure. European funding grants of a revenue nature are credited to the Statement of Comprehensive Net Expenditure in the year to which they relate. European funding and other grants in respect of capital expenditure are also credited to the Statement of Comprehensive Net Expenditure in the year expenditure is first incurred unless there is unmet condition of funding in which case an appropriate proportion is allocated to the General Reserve and only released when the condition is met.

Money gained = REVENUE Generally from the tax payer
Other revenue From North Sea Oil and Gas

Again, should we pay Council Tax?
In 2009 a letter was written to Maidstone Council asking simply…
Is there a lawful authority to collect property taxes/council tax from men/women ?
Under what authority does Maidstone Borough Council operate and what Law does the Corporation rely upon ?
Please do not respond with statues/legal frameworks (colour of law) : please stick with the LAW.
A long and protracted conversation took place over a few months, but no absolute answer was given.
You can read the transcript here:
Finally in 2017 an update was made by another Council Tax payment refuser who sums up as follows:
Well it would seem not paying a council when they demand your money (for alleged services) is indeed against their own made up rules, however its been over 7 years since my dispute with my local council and have not had to pay them a penny since:
A: they refuse to communicate openly and honestly regarding the tax demands ( choose to remain dishonourable about who is the real injured party suffering loss when forced to enter an agreement under duress or using the threat of force which is unlawful)
B: they created and used their own summonses to trick me into visiting a room inside their sister company in cahoots ( local magistrates) where I would be denied a proper hearing. ( unlawful behaviour/ very dishonest)
C: they ordered some low IQ grunts from an area miles away to come around to my residence and intimidate me, while in the hope of committing theft on behalf of the council for their own personal gain (intent to cause both harm and loss)....using money already stolen from the local community.
So I continue to withhold all funds until this can be explained and discussed.
Still able to earn my living and live in peace with my neighbours without being a burden on my local community.
I take my own refuse to be recycled and which carries its recyclable value as a goodwill gesture for the community to sell, only the council have decided to put that growing fund into paying for the brand new council offices in the most expensive area of Town instead of giving it back to the residents of the community.