Below is a selection of our videos uploaded over the past three years.
A Stand in the Park Year 3, 2024 (most recent)
What we got up to 2023-2024. A Stand in the Park Cambridge and The Cambridge Free Spirits.
Click this link or image below to watch on Rumble:
Cambridge SITP Year Two
Cambridge SITP Year One
Please watch and share this, our first video montage created by Yvonne, depicting our journey together through one of the most significant years in our lives.
We hope that you'll be able to support us in our various fundraising events this year enabling us to heighten awareness and truth.
Natania Goldrich - Sonia Poulton Interview 15th Nov 2021
Important interview with Sonia Poulton regarding the vaccination of young children in our UK schools. Please watch.
If you need help or advice with this issue please contact us on:
If you wish to serve your school, please get in touch with us on the email above with the details of your school and the date/ time you wish to serve the school.
We can then arrange this with you.
There is also an important letter which you need to send on behalf of your child/children. Email the above address for a copy which you will need to edit with your own details.
Thank you in advance for your help and participation with this important issue.
Sonia Poulton Interviews Laura S from CFS
15 Minute Cities
Laura who was at the Oxford march/rally on February 19th is now a member of our Cambridge Free Sprits group and is here talking about 15 Minute Cities with Sonia Poulton.
Click on the above image to view on BRAND NEW TUBE and fast forward to the 32min mark.
Natania Sings - "Deliver Delight"
Deliver Delight
Light papers now in, join me for a festive double heist on Tuesday 14th December next week scheduled afternoon and early evening.
Details to follow shortly. I can offer some lifts if needed.
All subscribers please get in touch and collect your Light Papers before 21st December! nataniagoldrich@protonmail.com
I hope you like the seasonal ditty I made up just for us! Let's get out there!
Nurse Jenna
Super-Nurse, Jenna Platt – aka: ‘That Nurse Who Asks Questions’ – continues her tour of the British Isles raising awareness of how nursing staff in the British health service are psychologically pressurised away from disclosure of systemic crimes against their patients and the British public.
The Nurse who asks questions, Cambridge 14th August 2021 - Part 1
As morally upstanding professionals in all walks of society increasingly speak out and blow the whistle against the unfolding mass-murder and Crimes Against Humanity, the media censorship exponentially increases, and therefore paradoxically underlining the evidence of healthcare heroes and heroines such as Jenna.
These stalwarts of justice and truths deserve our full backing and support…
The Nurse who asks questions, Cambridge 14th August 2021 - Part 2
Our group at Stand In The Park - Cambridge UK.

Cambridge Free Spirits 2023