Health & Wellbeing - Healing & Taking Care of Yourself
The following information has been collected and put here for you to read as part of your own research.
Please take responsibility for your own health and decide what is relevant to you and your own health.
- Responsible for the general health of the Tribe: Mental & Physical
- Covering Natural Medicine, Homeopathy, Physical Therapy etc.
- Dealing with First Aid /emergencies
- Acquiring, monitoring and allocating resources.
- Preventative Measures, eg. Exercise, Meditation, Creative Arts.

More & more evidence suggests that people are dying from the CDC/NIH hospital protocols. STAY AWAY FROM REMDESIVIR & VENTILATORS!
- Dr. Bryan Ardis
Dr Ardis Joined General Flynn's ReAwaken America Tour.
Dr. Ardis explains how hospitals are killing patients using Remdesivir
COVID pneumonia, detox and Emergency Treatment and prevention
This information has been collected and put here for you to read as part of your own research. Take responsibility for your own health and decide what is relevant to you and your own health.

IVERMECTIN list of Articles:
Nobel Prize Multi use for Ivermectin
Ivermectin for COV 2
IVERMECTIN Anti viral Action
IVERMECTIN as Lonophore
IVERMECTIN Stopping Viral Replication
IVERMECTIN Extremely Safe
IVERMECTIN Works when distributed
IVERMECTIN Works when administered
DHS reports IVERMECTIN has ability to reduce viral shredding
Contributions by YD - CFS member.
Buying IVERMECTIN from Overseas

Rx Pharma Medicine is a website name of S. A. Enterprises
Established in the year 2008, at Nagpur (Maharashtra, India), we Rx Pharma Medicine (S. A. Enterprises), is recognized as the leading Wholesaler and Exporter of premium quality human medicines and other medicines such as - Anti Cancer Drugs, Ant diabetic Medicine, Antiretroviral Drug, Anti Hypertensive Drug, Anti Diabetes Drug, Cough Lozenges Drug, Nicotine Base Gum Drug, HIV Medicine and Skin Care Products. Which are permissible for Export as per prevalent rules and regulation of government of India. We do not deal in Narcotics and Banned Drugs.
The offered products are procured from some of the licensed and trustworthy vendors of the market. Moreover to this, these products are obtainable in varied packing options as per the needs of our clients.
Our vendors are selected after intensive market research with the help of our procurement and quality personnel. We have managed to maintain fruitful and long lasting relationships with our reliable vendors by adopting fair business practices. Our vendors are selected by our team of procurement agents on the basis of various parameters of market reputation, past record, used capital, delivery schedules, etc. In addition to this, our company has appointed highly skilled quality personnel, who are proficient in their respective fields of operation and are aware of the current market needs.
We undertake Drop Shipping of above medicines, with fair packing and fair shipping charges and forwarding charges. We Export the Genuine medicine after taking clearances from customs ( at our end only) by EMS Postal Service and RMS Postal Service (which is usually take 7 – 10 days for EMS and 10- 15 days for RMS but not more than 28 days in any case, unless it is with held with the customs of importing country)
Quinine has been used since 1600s for treating Malaria. It's Synthetic forms are Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine

- How to nebuliser Hydrogen Peroxide. Interview by Dr Mercola
- How to nebuliser Hydrogen peroxide
Interview with Dr Thomas's Levy - Herbalist demonstrates how to make one's own food grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Where to Buy Some:
Food Grade 3% Hydrogen Peroxide 500ml on Amazon (you can buy it elsewhere.)
Use Hydrogen Peroxide as Your Mouthwash
Dr. Eric Berg DC
In this video, I’m back to talk about hydrogen peroxide and hydrogen peroxide hacks.
You can use the hydrogen peroxide you may have in your medicine cabinet, which is probably about 3%. Or, you may have a food-grade hydrogen peroxide that can also be used.
How hydrogen peroxide works: Your white blood cells make hydrogen peroxide to kill off bacteria, funguses, viruses, parasites, and candida.
What hydrogen peroxide does: Hydrogen peroxide oxidizes the layer of microbes and destroys the cell wall of invading microbes.
A few Hydrogen Peroxide uses:
- To clean cuts
- Gargle with hydrogen peroxide Hydrogen peroxide mouthwash:
Do not swallow.
- Uses of hydrogen peroxide mouthwash
- Gargle with it if you have a sore throat
Swish it in your mouth to kill off and cleanse the microbes in your mouth.
NAC - N Acetyl Cysteine
In this video, Dr Tom Roger's MD talks about Supplement NAC and the many uses it has for staying healthy.
CDS Chlorine Dioxide.
A lot of people have been talking about this recently. It can increase the oxygen levels in the blood, it will treat the virus and can be used for prevention as well as treating many other diseases such as auto immune and diabetes.
It is available from camping and outdoor shops and also online.There is a very useful bitchute episode presented by Catherine Edwards, where she talks about it at length with Dr Andreas Kalcker. He has a website and can offer courses on how to best use it. There are also useful links on the bitchute video. I will attach a link to Catherine Edwards here
Jab Detox