Dealing With NHS Gatekeepers

How to deal with NHS gatekeepers if you or your loved ones need to go to or are admitted into hospital.

If blocked from visiting a patient for whom you have a Lasting Power of Attorney:


  1. Record all interactions!
  2. Ask who is assuming liability (the person that makes the decision to deny you entry)
  3. Advise them you are putting them on verbal Notice – to be followed up by a formal written Notice
  4. Ask under what authority they are denying you access
  5. Ask to see visitors protocol for that Trust
  6. Ask for their refusal in writing to be added to the patient’s notes and inform them you will be submitting a SAR (Subject Access Request) later to see if it’s been done
  7. State that your requests be written into the patient’s notes and both you and the doctor sign it, then take a photo of the notes as proof
  8. Ask for the name of the consultant in charge, and then pester the consultant’s secretary until you get an appointment to see him/her


If refused admission for treatment due to: refusing a test, refusing to wear a mask, not being jabbed, etc.:


  1. Record all interactions!
  2. Ask who is assuming liability (the person that makes the decision to deny you entry or access to services)
  3. Advise them you are putting them on verbal Notice – to be followed up by a formal written Notice
  4. Ask under what authority they are denying you access/refusing to treat you
  5. Inform staff they are breaking: the Equality Act 2010; the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984, section 45E; the Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights Act 2005 Article 6 (fully informed and freely given consent given for a medical intervention)
  6. Ask for a copy of the Health & Safety Risk Assessment and the Equality Impact Assessment (for a protected characteristic – personal belief)


Advise the staff assuming liability that: you will be putting them on Notice whereby they must provide proof of claim – that is, they must provide the independent medical and scientific evidence to show that:


  • SARS-CoV-2 has been isolated from an infected person and examined under laboratory conditions
  • SARS-CoV-2 has been purified then shown to cause the disease COVID-19
  • SARS-CoV-2 has been proven to be contagious
  • The World Health Organisation, the Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens, and Public Health England were mistaken when the downgraded COVID-19 to an infectious disease of non-high consequence on 19.3.20
  • SARS-CoV-2 nasal swabs are free of carcinogenic chemicals, such as ethylene oxide and graphene oxide
  • Invasive SARS-CoV-2 nasal swabs do not constitute a medical procedure that require informed consent under section 45E of the Public Health Act 1984 and the Nuremberg Code 6.1 (right to refuse medical intervention without disadvantage – tests, vaccines, and masks)
  • The inventor of the rt-PCR test, Kary Mullis, was mistaken when he stated the test was not a diagnostic tool
  • Mask manufacturers are mistaken when they state on their packaging that masks do not protect against viruses
  • Masks do not cause hypoxia, hypercapnia, and pleurisy or similar bacterial lung infections
  • The wearing of masks is not a medical intervention that requires freely given consent pursuant to Article 6 of the Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights 2005
  • The ‘vaccine’ for SARS-CoV-2 (COVID 19) in whatever form is not an experimental vaccine, but is completely safe and licensed for use in the UK
  • The ‘vaccine’ is necessary, and that alleged deaths from COVID 19 have not been almost exclusively in the elderly and those with severe co-morbidities
  • They can produce the reliable data, independently verified, detailing the precise ingredients in all of the COVID-19 ‘vaccines’
  • They can produce the reliable, independently verified data to prove that the ingredients in all of the COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ will not individually or collectively cause me adverse psychological and or physical reactions.