Construction - DIY
- Responsible for Repair & Maintenance of existing structures, if present.
- Designing, planning & erecting Structures.
- Sourcing materials required.
Free From the System
Richard D Hall is an author, a TV presenter as well as being an engineer.
Last year he embarked on a project, which many will enjoy discovering; he decided to make his home as off-grid and non-reliant on the “system” as possible.
Here is a video which will show how he managed to do this while keeping the costs low. He manages to cover all the amenities in his home so that if ever the power supply (therefore gas and water supplies) go down, his family will be self-sufficient.

Richard writes: What chance does an individual have of changing the almost invisible regime which is currently destroying our lives and freedoms? We try always to enlighten people and wake them up to the truth, so that the knowledge might push back the decisions of authority who are trying to put shackles on humanity.
What chance do we have? Instead of attacking the system with words, how about abstaining from the system which seeks to control you? Reduce your dependence on the system, making you less of a slave to their rules.
By turning our backs on the government and corporate systems, and by developing new disconnected lives, could this provide a far more fruitful form of protest than using our voices, keyboards and placards?
Why would you want to be part of a system ran by criminals?
Watch the above video and find out more go to:
Watch the following videos for those interested in taking the leap to "Off-Grid Living."
Kris Harbour - Natural Building
It has been about 5 years now That i have lived and worked on my off grid small holding. In this video I give a tour of my house, workshop, power system, garden, greenhouse and some tools I have made. I have documented all these projects in detail on my main channel so please check out those videos if you want to see them in more detail.