Food & Water
- Responsible for sourcing food and water supplies.
- Water storage and purification.
- Food stock rotation & rationing.
- Meal planning and preparation

Submission from NB in our CFS Group
Here is a list of items I have stored. This list includes enough supplies to survive
off grid for several months, giving enough time to plan further ahead.
I would very much like to hear you ideas about things to add, or alternative
food and water sources.
Tinned foods
- Herring
- Mackerel
- Pilchards
- Salmon
- Sardines
- Tuna
- Beef bolognaise
- Beef casserole
- Beef curry
- Chilli con carne
- Corned beef
- Minced beef and onion
- Chicken breast
- Chicken curry
- Chicken in white sauce
- Chicken/beef paste
- Fray bentos meat pie
- Ham
- Hot dog sausages
- Irish stew
- Meatballs
- Spam
- Baked beans in tom sauce
- Black beans
- Broad beans
- Cannellini beans
- Chick peas
- Chilli beans
- Green beans
- Mixed beans
- Lentils
- Red kidney beans
- Refried beans
- Carrots
- Mushrooms
- Sweetcorn
- Tomatoes
- Peas
- Mushy peas
- Potatoes
- Apricots
- Figs
- Dates
- Mango
- Prunes
- Raspberries
- Fruit cocktail
- Mandarin Orange
- Peaches
- Pineapple
- Ravioli
- Soups
- Spaghetti hoops in tom sauce
- Tomato pasta
- Macaroni cheese
- Parmesan cheese (usually good for up to 4 months)
- Rice pudding
- Custard
- Coconut milk
- Condensed milk
- Evaporated milk
- Jars/bottled food
Cooking source
- Chopped garlic
- Jalapenos
- Mustard
- Pesto
- Soy sauce
- Stock cubes beef/ chicken/ veg
- Sweet and sour sauce
- Tabasco sauce
- Worcestershire sauce
- Salt and pepper
- Apple cider vinegar
- Malt vinegar
- Red wine vinegar
- Cooking oil
- Extra virgin olive oil
- Golden syrup
- Honey
- Marmalade
- Marmite
- Nutella
- Peanut butter
Dry food
- Bread flour white
- Bread flour wholemeal
- Dry yeast
- Pasta
- Pearl barley
- Porridge oats
- Rice white
- Rice brown
- Risotto rice
- Instant mash
- Dry noodles
- Coffee
- Tea
- Sugar
- Coffee mate
- Powered milk
Snacks (usually shorter use by dates)
- Biscuits
- Chocolate bars
- Pumpkin seeds
- Salted peanuts
- Sunflower seeds
- Dog/pet food
- Dog/pet treats
- Alcohol/tobacco for own use or bartering
- Camping gas stove and gas bottles
- Matches/lighter/firelighters/ logs/fuel may be needed for heating and cooking
- Candles/torches/batteries to see to cook
- First aid eg paracetamol/ ibuprofen
- Ivermectin/ hydroxychloroquine
- Prescription meds
- Bottled water
- Water butts in the garden
- Berkey water filter for pond/ stream water
- A Fresh water source near Cambridge is Nine wells springs (off Granhams road between Addenbrookes and Wandlebury)
Other resources
- Buy food dehydrator
- Buy foraging books - I have foraging for wild foods by David Squire and food for free Collins gem, pocket book, both good
- Go on foraging bushcraft courses
- Grow your own fruit/veg
- Keep chickens
- Pickle own veg/eggs

Above - very useful little book: SAS Survival Guide by John 'Lofty' Wiseman
Contribution by NB - CFS member.
Water - Some Important Information
Finding water some tips.
Look in valley areas, gullies and dry stream beds.
Catch water via rain and dew. If you don’t have a water butt, hang clothes and cloths outside to absorb dew or rain and wring out to get the water.
Watch where animals, birds and insects go to drink as they need to drink all day long.
From a tree, tie a plastic bag around the end of a healthy branch to catch water which the tree pumps to the leaves.
Plastic sheeting can form condensation and water.
In winter, ice and snow produces water.
(These facts can be found in SAS Survival Guide by John ‘Lofty’ Wiseman)

Contribution by YD - CFS member.