Informed Knowledge Is Absolute Power


1. Request a Hard copy of Your current Medical Records held, from your GP or Your local Surgery. You can have it emailed to you, if you wish. Check through your history to ensure it is correct. Do it as a matter of urgency. Inform other Family members in your households and elsewhere. A Hard photocopy ost approx. £25, and depend on the number of pages.

Reason: The NHS tabled a session in Parliament on 20th July 2021, for the implementation of a scheme which enables NHS Digital to share Your Data from GP medical Records. This is a clear breach of the General Data Protection Act 2018 (GDPR). Clearly, we know that all Trust with GP’s at an all-time low or completely disappeared. This is open to Your Medical Records being altered or manipulated by the DHSC or those whom them will share this with, more importantly a third party. The government has already given the contract to a third-party company, Randox to check results of a Flow Test (Rapid Lateral Test) kits given to those ‘Travel Abroad’. That means, it is open to all kinds of sinister ‘apps’ which you need to download in order to get/control your results, totally ignoring the GDPR Act 2018.




A Bill to prohibit the transfer of personal data by the NHS without the authority of the data subject; and for connected purposes.

2. Set up a protonmail account, to target and hit Schools with the Notice to serve letters. I have the whole NHS database of GP surgeries, pharmacies, vax centres on Excel, to target around the country with, based on a similar letter template. We need everyone who wants be proactive with this to put the burden and pressure on all the Criminals, at the Crime scene who are responsible. I will post the list on Telegram.


Securing Homes – Immediate effect

1. I have devised a Sign/Notice you can put up (if you wish) on your front door, for all callers, unexpected visitors, (excluding post or parcel deliveries). To warn them in advance that you do not wish to contract with them. I’ll leave this to your discretion. An ideal solution would be an entry phone/buzzer.

2.  Pre-pared with the essentials, Food, Water, Candles, oil for wicks. Secure dry Place, and the list already provided to you by Sam and Lucy. Other form of useful defence as mentioned before ‘Strong Chilli Powder’ applied as a repellent should you be attacked.

3. Outer windows to be blacked out either with thick curtains, black out fabric type. Install net curtains if not already for during the daylight hours, i.e. do not let your home be clearly visible to intruders.

4. Ensure there are adequate locks, chains securing outer door/s, windows inside and out. Without having to feel you are in a prison, i.e. You ARE able to leave whenever it is safe, because YOU ARE FREEE!


5. Outdoor sheds, fencing, ladders and other valuables secured i.e., bikes, mowers etc.,

6. 5G switch on – It would be advisable to look into RFID shield material in your home, on c clothing or timber/wood, would be a good cheap alternative to apply in areas that you most occupy, sitting room, bedroom headboard in particularly.

7. If you can get and install cheap spy cameras, and some dummy ones as well. Preferably non-wireless.

8. If you still have land line phone, keep them, until they, BT stop supporting them, in 2023.

9. Remember, all we are doing is prevention, make it as hard as possible to enter the premises. If anyone is determined, we can use what is lawful to defend ourselves with whatever we have at your disposal.

THEY have invaded your privacy, and space UNINVITED. No right to be there without a warrant signed by a Judge.

These are some of the ideas, but PLEASE DO NOT LIVE IN FEAR! We CAN defeat them!

Common Law Constitution – No man or power, Foreign or Domestic can take our
RIGHTS,  unless we allow them to.

Magna Carta 1297 (The Great Charter) Article 61. XXIX
Magna Carta – Presumption for Liberty. It stops the power being enforced by the state. People ARE the power.

Imprisonment, &c. contrary to Law. Administration of Justice.
NO Freeman shall be taken or imprisoned, or be disseised of his Freehold, or Liberties, or free Customs, or be outlawed, or exiled, or any other wise destroyed; nor will We not pass upon him, nor [X5condemn him,] but by lawful judgment of his Peers, or by the Law of the Land. We will sell to no man; we will not deny or defer to any man either Justice or Right.

The English Constitutional Common Law IS IN FULL FORCE


The Bill of Rights 1688/89 – (Declaration of Rights 1688)

Coronation of Oath Act 1688

Act of Settlement 1700

Petition of Rights 1627


None of these can ever be repealed by a Parliament, they are all for Perpetuity – Only the sovereign people of England have the power to repeal them. These are the only unalienable God given rights are the birth rights of every indigenous people of England. England was the country who gave the first human rights to the rest of the world, the commonwealth countries and still in force today.

The four basic Principles of the Common Law statutes are;


These apply to ALL subjects of England while on English Soil. Not Scottish, not welsh or Northern Irish. No matter what colour, race, if you live in England YOU are English Not british.  So long as you stand under these Acts, Your Rights.

20th July 1988 vol 499 cc1301- 3. Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II gave a gracious speech to celebrate the Glorious Revolution and the Declaration of Rights and to reinforce the bill of rights 1688/89 can ever be repealed by a sitting parliament. The people ARE SOVEREIGN NOT Parliament, or any government.


Stand up against arrests, fines through a peaceful process

1. In the event of been stopped in the street or whilst driving, always video the event and or document the incident in writing. Asked to see their warrant cards, so as you know they are real Police.

2. Ask if they are Peace Constables or Police Officers? Clarify what the offence is? And, if their reply is the latter, you exercise right to silence. You DO NOT contract with Corporate Officers.

3. You would by now, have received the template letter to be issued to Schools as a matter of urgency. The letter from pjlaw Solicitors’ letter outlines the Gold Standard of our English Constitution Common Law, relating the seriousness to Schools involved in this crime, and uses preamble to take the legal action against them, if they do not respond. Next stage court room.



To take back control of England and become an Independent Nation. Our right to self-determination. By campaigning for an English Parliament once again, to implement our rightful Constitutional Common Law.


(a)   We need to study the English Constitutional Common Law and understand its importance to our defence against our enemies, foreign or domestic.

(b)   Take the para legal course to become a Peace Constable. There is a fee as you will need to take the exam.

(c)   Stand as an independent candidate for the English Constitutional Party. It is the only party representing the interests and matters of England and Her Subjects.

English Independence and why we need it.

Watch these 3 training videos from Graham Moore.

This is why the English Constitution is so important to the Sovereign Subjects of England.

The English written Constitution is still in full force and protects the Subjects of the realms of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The Magna Carta 1215 is still in FULL force, not in part but in its entirety by virtue of four fundamental rights:

1. It is outside of the jurisdiction of Parliament as it was a treaty and great charter written and sealed prior to parliaments inception.

2. The text of this treaty was between the people and the crown and was for perpetuity.

3. Her Majesty the Queen swore an oath to uphold our ancient laws and customs on 2nd June 1953 at her coronation. This oath further substantiates the original Magna Carta of 1215. It is there to protect subjects of this realm from Tyranny.

4. Betty Boothroyd as Leader of the House of Commons in 1993 stated “There has of course been no amendment to The Bill of Rights 1689 . . . the House is entitled to expect that The Bill of Rights will be fully respected by all those appearing before the courts.” The Declaration of Rights 1688 is a lawful contract.

This contract was drawn up after article 61 of the Great Charter had been invoked to seek redress from the illegal tyranny of the Monarch against the people of the realm.


The Bill of Rights 1689 was made a ‘statute’ by Parliament as a result of the Declaration of Rights 1688 and is a lawful contract between the People, the Monarch, the Parliament and the Judiciary, created to enact as a Constitutional Law the rights set out in both Magna Carta and The Declaration of rights, crucial to these Rights are the Oaths of Office by the Monarch that protect the people of this realm and their Constitutional rights from Tyranny. The Oath of the Monarch is to ensure that our constitution is upheld and not allowed to be reneged or revoked. In order to be in full lawful rebellion, the people of this realm must have exhausted all lawful means of redress before mass disobedience and armed rebellion becomes lawful under OUR Constitution.

  • Parliament: The people have voted to leave the European Union (our entry was unlawful under our constitution). Parliament are abusing the democratic vote through the lack of political unity and truthful commitment to deliver a total withdrawal from the European Union. Parliament is betraying the Constitution and perjuring their oaths of office.
  • Judiciary: Judicial review of the European Communities Act has been denied by Judiciary and as such they are perjuring their oaths of office to the Monarch, instead they align with a Tyrannous Parliament.
  • The Monarch was petitioned in 2001 under the terms of Magna Carta 1215 Article 61 (The UK Supreme Court in 2001 dismissed it on the grounds that they deemed it as a ‘Freedom of Information Request’ outside their remit), again in Oct 2017 a petitioner was unlawfully arrested and prosecuted against their rights granted under The Magna Carta Article 61, Declaration of Rights 1688 and The Bill of Rights 1689 when enacting their rights to petition the Monarch. Constitutional Law, Ancient Rights and Customs cannot be repealed by any Parliament they can only be revoked jointly by the Monarch and the people.


The English Constitution is not, as it is in many countries, codified in a single document but is made up of treaties, conventions, declarations sworn and protected by oath and a corpus of common law.

The Magna Carta 1215 and the Bill of Rights 1689 are important fundamental elements of our English (british) Constitution which is the basis of law across the United Kingdom (England & Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland).

The English Constitution (The british does NOT have a constitution), is the foundation of law in many countries across the world as a basis for Democratic Government, which includes the current Commonwealth countries [comprising of 52 countries, across all continents.

The Commonwealth countries have a combined population of 2.3 billion people, almost a third of the world population], along with 4 ex Commonwealth countries and also the Unites States of America whom decided to ‘adopt’ the English Constitution into their Constitution in 1787 and into their Bill of Rights in 1789. The ‘English Constitution’ relates to the formation of laws across the centuries, initially devised during the reign of King Alfred in England 871-899 (also referred to as Alfred the Great) whom established a code of laws and a reformed coinage across his realm. In the reign of King John 1199-1216, as a result of military conflict with Barons of the land, a subsequent peace treaty was formed and the Magna Carta (Great Charter) was compiled with King John appending his seal of approval at Runnymede in 1215. [Ref.1] Clause 1 of the Magna Carta 1215 clearly states “We {Monarch} have also granted to all freemen of our kingdom, for us and our heirs
forever, all of the underwritten liberties, to be had and held by them and their heirs, of us and our heirs forever”.

The 1215 Magna Carta consists of 63 ‘clauses’ covering law, liberty and the church [Ref.2] It is a matter of immense importance in relation to the current demise of our Democracy that the 1215 Magna Carta is respected and upheld as lawful relevance within our current UK basis of Law. Clause 61 of the 1215 Magna Carta is of particular relevance because it appertains to the right of ‘Petition the
Monarch/Lawful Rebellion’[Ref.3]. 


Clause 61 fundamentally states “that is to say, if we, or our Judiciary, or our bailiffs, or any of our officers, shall have injured any one in anything, or shall have violated any article of the peace or security, and the injury shall have been shown to four of the aforesaid twenty-five Barons, the said four Barons shall come to us, or to our Judiciary if we be out of the kingdom, and making known to us the excess committed, petition that we cause that excess to be redressed without delay, all those of our land, who, of themselves, and of their own accord, are unwilling to swear to the twenty-five Barons, to distress and harass us together
with them, we will compel them by our command, to swear as aforesaid”.

This is the fundamental to ‘Petitioning the Monarch/Lawful Rebellion’. 1689 William III – Declaration of Rights – Following the Glorious Revolution, William of Orange was chosen to rule England by the true representatives of the people.

This produced the Declaration of Rights. William of Orange was asked to come to England via the right of rebellion under article 61 of the Magna Carta.


1689 The Bill of Rights – [Ref.4] The new Parliament immediately passed the Declaration of Rights into law called the Bill of Rights. This contained two codicils:


The first codicil stated that any amendment after 23 September 1689 would be unlawful.
The second codicil was that the Bill of Rights was for all time (in perpetuity) as it can only be changed by the People (not parliament) in joint agreement with the reigning Monarch.
The following section of the Bill of Rights 1689 is taken from [Ref.5] and states the following:

“And I doe declare That noe Foreign Prince Person Prelate, State or Potentate hath or ought to have any Jurisdiction Power Superiority Pre-eminence or Authoritie Ecclesiastical or Spiritual within this Realme Soe helpe me God.”

In other words, the British may not be ruled in any way, shape or form by any foreign
entity. So, it can clearly be seen that the European Communities Act (ECA) 1973 and every EU treaty imposed upon us by Parliament ever since are unconstitutional. This is evidence that our present Monarch has broken her Coronation Oath, by giving Royal Assent to the ECA and to all the EU Treaties ever since.


5 Other constitutional rights given by these contracts –

  • The right to bear arms
  • The right to petition the Sovereign
  • Free men cannot be imprisoned without cause
  • The Government cannot arrest any man because he disagrees with the Government’s policies
  • Habeas corpus is not to be denied (innocent until proven guilty, and your right to report
  • No person will be compelled to make loans to the King, and there will be no tax without the approval of Parliament.
  • Soldiers and sailors will not be billeted on civilians.
  • Government will not impose martial law during peacetime.
    The right to bear arms gives every person the right to self-defence using reasonable force, including deadly force if appropriate. Using tragic events as an excuse to remove that right has historically been the work of governments with good reason to fear their people – governments intent on some kind of future totalitarian control of their populations.


The Coronation Oath Act 1688 [Ref.6]

The Coronation Oath is the freely taken and mutual covenant between the Monarch and the People of Britain. During the Coronation ceremony, the People effectively elect the Monarch, and in return, the Monarch swears the Coronation Oath. This oath includes the promise to “cause Law and Justice in Mercy to be Executed”. It is therefore the Monarch’s promise to preserve our Law, especially our Constitutional Law. Text of the oath taken by Elizabeth II in 1953 [Ref.7]. The Queen on Tuesday, the 4th day of November, 1952, in the presence of the two Houses of Parliament, publicly took the Coronation Oath and signed the Declaration prescribed by Act of Parliament. The legal obligations surrounding the oath are set out in Halsbury’s Laws [Ref.8]


The Crown’s duty towards the subject. The essential duties of the Crown towards the subjects are to be found expressed in the terms of the oaths which every monarch is required to take before or at the coronation. The duties imposed by the coronation oath are:

(1) to govern the peoples of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the dominions etc belonging or pertaining to them according to their respective laws and customs;

(2) to cause law and justice in mercy to be executed in all judgements, to the monarch’s power;

(3) to maintain the laws of god, the true profession of the Gospel, and the protestant reformed religion established by law, to the utmost of the Sovereign’s power;

(4) to maintain and preserve inviolable the settlement of the Church of England, and its doctrine, worship, discipline and government as by law established in England; and

(5) to preserve unto the bishops and clergy of England, and to the Churches there committed to their charge, all such rights and privileges as by law do or shall appertain to them or any of them.

The monarch is also bound by oath to preserve the Presbyterian Church in Scotland.
The Enemy Within our Failing Democracy Even with such powerful constitutional laws to protect our human rights, systems of governance and justice, we have arrived at our current situation with an unaccountable, deceptive and technically unlawful Government which has conspired with the ever encroachment of the European Union to demise and destroy our Sovereignty, Independence and Democracy.


Sovereignty – The Authority of our Nation to Govern Itself.
Independence – Self-determination by the People of our Nation in all matters appertaining to our Rights, our Beliefs and our Laws.

(6) Democracy – The form of Government where our People appoint or dismiss our Politicians and
our Government by a Ballot box majority as and when our People demand.

The Magna Carta 1215
Magna Carta 1215 Article 61
The Petition of Right 1628
The Declaration of Rights 1688
The Bill of Rights 1688/9
The Coronation Oath Act 1688
The Act of Settlement 1701
The Act(s) of Union 1706/1707
Coronation oath 1953
Freeborn English Rights and Liberties

THE BRITISH DO NOT HAVE A CONSTITUTION. That is because the ENGLISH CONSTITUTION WAS IN PLACE long before the british union of 1707 AD.

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Informed Knowledge Is Absolute Power
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Contribution from AD - CFS Member

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