Choose Freedom - Damien Clements

Choose Freedom is a new directory of local businesses and organisations (around Cambridge initially) who pledge to respect individual autonomy and health choices of their staff and customers. They will always offer you a warm welcome.

How it works

We all know of a local business who shows kindness and respect for our individual autonomy and health choices - let's work together to connect them with customers and other businesses and organisations and spread the word that we can Choose Freedom!

The idea is simple -

1. Pick up stickers and leaflets - contact us for details of where to get them from or visit the website to print them out directly.

2. Visit the businesses that you already support, and know respect the values of health freedom, explain to them what we are doing and give them:

- Leaflets to distribute

- Window sticker to display

- Ask them if they would like to add their details to the directory

Person by person we can create a community network in Cambridge to support each other in our Freedom to Choose, and extend it to other areas of the UK.

Look out for the Choose Freedom logo in windows of businesses and organisations that respect your health choices and will always give you a warm welcome.

Choose Freedom….Choose Love…..Choose Life….